Israel’s War Against Palestine: Documenting the Military Occupation of Palestinian and Arab Lands

US Boat to Gaza: passenger video statements

23 June 2011

From the US Boat to Gaza YouTube Channel

freedom flotilla 2U.S. Boat to Gaza passengers recorded short personal statements on who they are and why they chose to participate in the upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2. Israel has described Gaza Flotilla participants as terrorists and is preparing its mighty naval, air, and ground forces to deal with them as such. Based on the experience of the first Freedom Flotilla, we already know what to expect and who is going to do the terrorizing. Watch these brief personal statements to see who the participants really are, and just what a threat they pose to the only nuclear superpower in the Middle East.

Missy Lane, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Yonatan Shapira, U.S. Boat to Gaza Crew

G. Kaleo Larson, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Alice Walker, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Hagit Borer, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Kit Kittredge, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Nic Abramson, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Richard Levy, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Kathy Kelly, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Hedy Epstein, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Henry Norr, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Brad Taylor, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Robert Naiman, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Ridgely Fuller, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Ken Mayers, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Ray McGovern, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

Medea Benjamin, U.S. Boat to Gaza Passenger

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Alec Ward 24 June 2011

I watched some of the videos and wept for a very long time. I wept because I was moved beyond measure at the bravery of the individuals and for the bravery of the human race which can collectively stand up to injustice, unfairness, brutality and say that enough is enough. I appeal to Jews everywhere to try to understand that your race is being judged by the actions of the current Israeli Government. If you stand by and allow the result of this flotilla to be anything like the result of the last attempt to breach the blockade of Gaza, then history, rightly, will be harsh in it’s judgement of your inaction and collusion. I say that as a WASP, whose own conscience has been forever aware of the guilt my Protestant forefathers must accept in standing by and doing nothing when the Brownshirts were rampaging through Germany, intimidating and stealing property etc, all very similar similar to what the settlers and current Israeli government are doing to Palestinians right now.

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